You had some questions, and now we have answers. Below are the answers to some frequently asked questions about Lyte Up. If you find that a question you’re specifically curious about hasn’t been answered in this article, please feel free to reach out to and find out more! Once you find the answer you’re looking for, we’ll do our best to help keep this Q&A up to date!
Q: Is this product vegan?
A: No, Lyte Up does include Vitamin D3 from sheep's wool. This means the product can be described as "Vegetarian Friendly" but not 100% Vegan.
Q: Is Lyte Up allergen free?
A: Lyte Up contains no Soy, Milk, Eggs, Fish, Shellfish, Tree Nuts, Peanuts, Wheat or Preservatives.
Q: Is this product organic?
A: No, our Lyte Up is not certified organic but it’s 100% vegetarian.
Q: What do you take this for?
A: Oral rehydration intake without all the calories, sugar, carbs and synthetic colors and flavors found in popular sports drinks. Simply take one vegcap daily and feel the effects of rapid electrolyte response without all the gunk.
Q: Does Lyte Up contain any sugar or caffeine?
A: Our formula contains no carbs, caffeine or sugar!