The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

With all the fake news, pseudoscience, and ‘proven’ remedies that lurk on the world wide web, it can be hard to figure out what is real, and what is just a pin on Pinterest that doesn’t really save time, energy, or money. We’re here to tell you exactly what does and doesn’t work when it comes to apple cider vinegar. 

First, let’s get to know apple cider vinegar once more. Apple cider vinegar is made from the fermentation of apple juice when combined with yeast. It is a sour substance that is the result of controlled spoilage. The general consensus is that the probiotics, acetic acid, and nutrients found in apple cider vinegar are the things responsible for the many many health benefits.

Keep in mind that there are resources available that can help you fact check what you see on the internet. Not everything that you read will be true, or even close to true. Zhou Nutrition is hoping to be a resource of validity amongst all the fluff while you’re navigating the idea of apple cider vinegar as a natural remedy for a variety of different issues. Apple cider vinegar is a hidden gem when it comes to home remedies. 

What Works

Blood sugar: Several studies published in the Journal of the American Association of Diabetes note that the ACV significantly lowered blood glucose levels in the participants. It cannot cure diabetes, but apple cider vinegar has the potential to moderately lower blood glucose levels. And to be 100% clear, apple cider vinegar should not replace any medications for diabetes, but it can be an alternative addition to a diabetes treatment plan. 

Keep the bacteria at bay: Additional studies showed that vinegar decreased the growth of Salmonella. When you consider how often lettuce is recalled, a potential solution could be to toss your salad in some apple cider vinegar, which would both add flavor and potentially support the body. Do keep in mind that this isn’t a failsafe plan, you can’t just dip raw chicken in vinegar and be 100% immune to illness. 

Healthy weight goals: A third finding relating to apple cider vinegar is that it has the potential to support healthy weight goals when used alongside exercise and a healthy diet, as a safer alternative to supplements. In addition to healthy weight, ACV has also been shown to support healthy cholesterol levels. Keep in mind that ACV isn’t the be-all-end-all key to reaching a healthy weight. Those involved in this study were on restrictive diets and exercised, they didn’t just start with ACV and see immediate results. Think of apple cider vinegar as an addition to your healthy weight goals routine and regiment rather than the core implementation. The main consensus amongst researchers is that ACV lowers appetite, and that’s how it relates to maintaining a healthy weight. 

Additional Benefits:

Acid reflux: Although this seems counter-indicative, ACV may help if the reflux is due to too little stomach acid! Try it with a tablespoon in at least 8 oz of water just before bedtime and with meals.

Candida: By using one tablespoon ACV to one cup warm water in the morning and at night to clean up down south, it may help reduce the potential for bacterial or yeast infections.

Cough: Hippocrates used a combination of vinegar, honey, and water to help soothe a persistent cough.

Ear infections: Use a diluted ACV/water solution to rinse the inside of the ear. It is also a good solution to use to prevent swimmer’s ear.

Hair loss: If hair follicles are clogged by the use of hair products that are alkaline, rinsing with an ACV/water solution can help re-balance the pH of the scalp.

Hiccups: Reportedly, a girl with chronic hiccups cured her hiccups by drinking ACV, which triggers nerves in the throat that are responsible for the reflex. She is presently starting a company that produces lollipops that contain several ingredients including ACV.

Lice: There are conflicting reports on whether this is effective or not. Some reports say it isn’t effective, but several mothers have told me personally that it was the only thing

that worked on their daughters. In hair that is too thick or coarse, it may be less effective.

Mosquito repellent: Reports suggest that drinking ACV diluted in water may help keep mosquitoes at bay, or rub it directly on your skin, particularly the ankles and wrists

which are their favorite landing sites. Already bitten? Rub a little vinegar on the bite to relieve the itch.

And a couple of things we aren’t so sure of

Among all of those things that have scientific research boosting their credibility, there are that many more things that ACV can’t do. Here are a few things that don’t have the science to back them up when it comes to ACV:

Libido: There is no substantive evidence that it works to increase libido.

Man o’ War stings: unlike box jellyfish stings, vinegar is contra-indicated in man o’war stings.

Warts: It has not been found to be effective against warts.

The bottom line is that you should do research about apple cider vinegar if you’re interested in implementing it into your routine. Consult with medical professionals; doctors and dermatologists certainly know best when it comes to natural remedies and solutions to various medical issues. There’s a lot of hoopla on the internet that leads many to believe that certain things are the answer to every problem or condition. Apple cider vinegar is not immune to those extravagant claims. We at Zhou Nutrition are hoping to get the most accurate information about apple cider vinegar out to the public with this series on ACV, so you have a one-stop-shop for ACV information. 

If you’re interested in snagging all the benefits of ACV without the potent taste, check out Zhou’s Cider Detox for an alternative that’s easier on the taste buds.
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